The media has received a lot of blame for this image we all try to pursue, but in reality families are starting to raise their children to believe they must have these three things in life. Yes it may be better for us to see how much money Floyd Mayweather gave to charity last week, but it's the media's job to entertain. So of course the story will be how much money he threw in the strip club. The media can't always be blamed for doing its job. In my opinion, today people are raised to be so independent and filled with such a false image of life. We lose track of the fact that everyone who has success needed help along the way. Let me repeat that. Everyone who has success needed help along the way. The American Dream has become this trap by getting many to think success is easy and can be reached alone.
We are caught up in the hype. Myself included. We are not always trying to reach success for the values we were raised and grew up on. You reach success to help the next man or woman do the same! I just have 1 question. Where does this American Trap take our future? Must it take money, respect, and fame to make us happy or will we use these three things be utilized to build happiness in our surroundings and with people we love.
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